
Defog Camera

Defog is a feature which has been implemented to help improve a cameras image performance in light foggy conditions. When 'Defog' mode is active the camera will automatically adjust its settings to help combat the effects of the fog. 


Dewarping refers to the process of correcting an image, to reverse the effects of geometric distortions caused by the camera lens found in fisheye or 360º devices 

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing is to a delivery model of computing resources that are integrated with various servers, applications, data, and other resources and are provided as services through the Internet. Resources are generally virtualized. 


Cloud was initially a telephone network and now is a metaphor of a global network commonly used to refer to the Internet. 

CCD (Charge Coupled Device)

Charge Coupled Device is an optical sensor semiconductor that converts light into an electrical signal from a digital camera, which corresponds to a function of photosensitive film as a general camera, and is the core of a digital camera. 

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